Press Release Summary = Unique features allow users to administer their own email service
Press Release Body = Warrington Tuesday January 23rd 2007. Simply Mail Solutions has announced the first release of "SMS Email Control Panel" its unique in - house developed user interface. Users can now login and administer things such as aliases and domains with respect to their email boxes whenever they want to. The Control Panel covers all the three email hosting services that SMS offers whether the type of email is SMS NexGen, MS Exchange, or Zimbra Collaboration Suite and even if the domain is used for a range of services.
Commented Colin Smith Managing Director "We are committed to offering the best range of hosted email services in the UK. That includes making it easy for users to administer their own account as well as reliability and competitive pricing. For our larger users this particularly offers a very powerful tool to cope with people leaving and joining the company. There is nothing more annoying for than for email you send to a company to go into limbo when people leave and of course if the person is a front line sales or service person this can loose sales or damage relations"
As an example the control panel displays the domains in use by the user and the numbers of mailboxes using that domain. Users can then add, delete or modify aliases allowing for example to be sent to the mailbox for When people leave but before new people are appointed this allows email to be immediately passed to someone else to be dealt with.
An even more sophisticated option allows domain aliasing where, as is quite common, a company has multiple domains to be pointed to a specific mailbox. For example if the company has the domains and all email to can be put into the mailbox.
Technical Director of SMS Keith Pritchard commented "Everybody gains from this kind of approach to customer service. Customers can put things into the system very quickly and whenever it is convenient. We get the information without ambiguity and can process it quicker and more automatically. A major technical problem we had to solve was doing this kind of administration over a number of email systems and we needed to make it interface with our billing system so that customers have a single login whether they want copies of the invoices or to change their email options. Of course we uniquely offer our users the ability to have the same domain independent of service (so that they can have cheaper POP3 mailboxes for people in the office and MS Exchange for people on the road who want mobile phone access and calendars etc) and that had to be built into the Control Panel as well."
Keith commented further "We plan to add further options to the Control Panel over the coming months and see this as a key differentiator compared with other email hosting companies (who we see as our direct competitors). Of course most email at the moment simply does not offer the kind of flexibility and features we now include as standard.
About Simply Mail Solutions SMS is based in Warrington UK and already has thousands of customer email accounts running on its servers. It is a dedicated email hosting company. More information is available at or email